
I'm Home: What more could you ask for?

We finally made it back. The other days were not so interesting trust me but also believe me when I say that my week was plenty full. We got back around 2 this afternoon and I grabbed some new cables to see if we couldn't get my xbox to work. It did. I now do not feel so distressed besides the fact that school is back on Monday and I have to get back to work (shoot me). We took a trip to Olive Garden tonight because apparently I have a monthly period that can only be satisfied by such as that. It was scrumptious. Me, Chris, and David watched The Last Samurai at my house.... mostly me and Chris. David likes to sit on his computer and not pay attention, maybe he's multitasking... I could kill him, maybe he will read this... probably. It's just sometimes I consider certain things sacred to the world like art of any kind. Theater, Music, Film, & Photography I put in this category. I believe that you should respect these all as such being works of art that people have poured out blood and sweat and passion into. Maybe it's just getting late but don't worry their won't be any David killing. Gnarls Barkley is amazing if I haven't mentioned, who's ready for schooling?

I'm a dinosaur rawr,
Marcus C.

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