
Let's Get Something Straight Here

This past weekend I went home to attend semi-formal with Emily. We ate at the Tavern and i had a sandwich, but apparently protocol there is to make sure each person gets at least a pound of fries. It was wonderful! We also danced the night away and I definitely got jiggy with it, and I'm not embarrassed to say it. The next night I escorted Emily to Brio and then the UAB music center where we enjoyed Pirates of Penzance. So the weekend seemed like on really long day and I got to spend time with my love :-)..... awwww how sweet.

I don't know who all has heard of the death of one of Auburn's students Lauren Burk, but it has been all over the news the recent months. She was found shot in the middle of College Street and taken to the hospital but died only a little while afterwards. The man convicted of the murder has just confessed everything from trying to rob her and then shooting her, as well as burning her car on campus. I had a couple friends who knew her and had said what a great, loving friend she was to all of them and how sad it was that someone could do that.

To make things more exciting the Westboro Baptist Church folks from Topeka, KS decided they were going to show up and protest her funeral at the university the day after they attempted to disrupt the funeral in her hometown in Marietta, GA. If you aren't familiar with this group it is a small, and close-knit church consisting of a little under 100 members, 80% of which is mostly one family, the Phelps. In a nutshell they go around preaching hate and damnation to all of America by disrupting the funeral's of dead soldiers and once holocaust museum by saying that America is already too corrupt and is beyond saving because we do not obey the Lord and we are all fag-supporting sinners. I'm just as set on being as loving as the next Christ-following brother or sister, but this just really pisses me off. They use the bible completely out of context and focus only on God's wrath rather than his love or words speaking of how He does not come to condemn the world, but to save it. And He DOES love everyone, and no grace is NOT an excuse to sin. But these people are brainwashed and filled with evil intentions because they have been blinded by the direction of their pastor, namely their grandfather. Try and remember to pray for this people that they may see the true light, and experience the love of God rather than his wrath and God softens their hard hearts.

Well since that obviously them coming to disrupt our fellow student's funeral, this did not sit too well with the southern mindsets of those who occupy this fine university. Either way we gathered together on Samford lawn to await their arrival and hopefully block them off from disrupting anyone trying to grieve or celebrate the life of Lauren Burk. It was organized surprisingly well and we were ready to stop them from disrupting anyone, but they never showed up thank God and that's all I have to say on the matter.

Slap-on bracelets are cool,
Marcus C.

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