
Day Four: Long Walks in sand/Crab Claws/Million Dollar Aspiration

Well our time out in the country has come to a close and we had to leave the smell of gunpowder and high growing grass (whatever THAT smells like). We grabbed a couple blueberry muffins and a piece of cinnamon toast and headed out the door. Listened to a bit of Lewis Black, and the entire Jim Gaffigan CD. Both are great comedians, highly recommended, though Black is a teensy bit profane (teensy is an understatement). Either way we ended up down here in no time and found the condo among many of other beautiful houses along the strip. We unpacked and got right back on the road on a quest to find a target. We grabbed some drinks and a component cable for my xbox, we couldn't get it to work. Then we headed back to try and fix the xbox problem and turns out that my xbox is broken and something is loose in the video connector and it won't work... brilliant. Of course no one else wanted to volunteer and bring their xbox and it just sat inside the trunk of the car for 4 days with nothing protecting it. If I could show you my irritated face, you would understand my frustration. We headed to the crab house to get some crab claws and fried calamari for dinner.. finger-licking good. Later on we took a walk down the beach and Fro showed us the place where his aunt works where there were tons of gorgeous (ungodly expensive) beach houses all totally unique with fountains and gardens and courtyards that they could do with as they saw fit. We now all aspire to own one of those million dollar condos one day. A quick stop in the freezing cold pool and then the hot tub then we headed back inside to finally unwind and get ready to pass out.

Yes... I am a genius,
Marcus C.

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