
Day One: I am "Eat Your Heart with a Spoon"/Pole for martin houses

We have set out on an adventure for the great beyond, or whatever you may call it. Me, Chris, Zack, and David have left the complicated stressful life of Auburn and headed south of Montgomery to Chris's grandparents house to start off our Spring Break. We left as soon as humanly possible and arrived only an hour and a half or so later on. We walked out amongst the slightly more wildernessly land and took a good deep breath as we finally received a chance to relax. But then we were put right to work with a task that we thought was supposed to take all day long, but only ended up taking about an hour. We took to some shovels and dug up a pole for martin houses and moved it up the front with complete ease. Afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful dinner of pizza with a little bit of diet coke and it was simply scrumptious. We are now chilling on the big leather couch in the living room after having watched Dances with Wolves.. I've never seen it.... fantastic movie. So this just day one of what is bound to be an amazing adventure... we'll talk later on.

We need nicknames,
Marcus C.

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