
I'm Home: What more could you ask for?

We finally made it back. The other days were not so interesting trust me but also believe me when I say that my week was plenty full. We got back around 2 this afternoon and I grabbed some new cables to see if we couldn't get my xbox to work. It did. I now do not feel so distressed besides the fact that school is back on Monday and I have to get back to work (shoot me). We took a trip to Olive Garden tonight because apparently I have a monthly period that can only be satisfied by such as that. It was scrumptious. Me, Chris, and David watched The Last Samurai at my house.... mostly me and Chris. David likes to sit on his computer and not pay attention, maybe he's multitasking... I could kill him, maybe he will read this... probably. It's just sometimes I consider certain things sacred to the world like art of any kind. Theater, Music, Film, & Photography I put in this category. I believe that you should respect these all as such being works of art that people have poured out blood and sweat and passion into. Maybe it's just getting late but don't worry their won't be any David killing. Gnarls Barkley is amazing if I haven't mentioned, who's ready for schooling?

I'm a dinosaur rawr,
Marcus C.


Day Six: We've Been Inside all Day

Well we haven't done much of anything all day. We woke up really around 10 as usual and rolled around the beds for a while and then finally got up and sat around with our computers for a while. We watched Independence Day and The Thin Red Line, and The Mask. We almost tried to get out of the house once by going down the strip to see if we could find some cheap food, and then maybe get some Starbucks. That didn't work out at all. We ended up with tacos at the condo which were way better anyhow. Second, we tried the hot tub by the pool but some old guy came out and told us it was closed....lame. Now we sit out on the balcony still on our computers trying to make this a complete day by being outside for at least a combined couple of hours. We've gotten a bit cranky throughout the week and it we are slowly getting catty with one another. But at the end of the day we all still can sit back and say "You know I love you man?" and everything is settled in the sand. We still have 2 more days to spend doing what we please. What in the world are we going to do with ourselves? And now by popular demand, tonight's sincerely.

'My bajingo is on fire' - Elliot Reid, May 2005,
Marcus C.


Day Five: Buttered Biscuits/PC Strip/A Good Cigar

I woke up this morning with Pico the chihuahua licking my face as I rolled over on the fold out couch bed. We had some buttered biscuits and bacon the slid on our bathing suits and headed out to the ocean. It was freezing of course so we admittedly didn't spend much time in it but snapped a couple of pictures before we left then headed to the pool which was a little less cold than last night. We spent some time there just swimming and talking about this and that. We jogged back up to the room and had some sandwiches while we searched the inter-highway for random things and got in the car headed down the PC strip for something to do. We realized that all the shortest guys of the group of spring breakers had their shirts off to compensate for their short coming.. ha! We stopped by a cigar shop and picked up a couple of good ole CAO's and went further down the strip. We got out at a sidewalk mall area and surfed around there for a little bit then went to the movie theater and saw the bank job. I HIGHLY recommend that movie it was quite good, with Jason Statham and a couple of other British dudes. We went to our traditional Tuesday night Buffalo Wild Wings and devoured each our share of superbly flavored chicken wings and potato wedges. We got some starbucks then headed back to the condo to grab our cigars. It has been really windy all stinking week and we fought it clear down the beach as we puffed on our neatly wrapped tobacco leaves. I had an american CAO one of my personal favorites and we walked along and discussed church and girlfriends and simple secrets as we've been trying to connect on a deeper level all week. We then laid out on a perfectly crafted square of grass off of one of the boardwalks and just contemplated the stars and moon in all of it's infinite vastness. We're now back in the condo and finally relaxed once more in our haven of interior design feng shui. I bought the new Gnarls Barkley cd off of iTunes... get it now and you will thank me.

It's a day-spa you fart,
Marcus C.


Day Four: Long Walks in sand/Crab Claws/Million Dollar Aspiration

Well our time out in the country has come to a close and we had to leave the smell of gunpowder and high growing grass (whatever THAT smells like). We grabbed a couple blueberry muffins and a piece of cinnamon toast and headed out the door. Listened to a bit of Lewis Black, and the entire Jim Gaffigan CD. Both are great comedians, highly recommended, though Black is a teensy bit profane (teensy is an understatement). Either way we ended up down here in no time and found the condo among many of other beautiful houses along the strip. We unpacked and got right back on the road on a quest to find a target. We grabbed some drinks and a component cable for my xbox, we couldn't get it to work. Then we headed back to try and fix the xbox problem and turns out that my xbox is broken and something is loose in the video connector and it won't work... brilliant. Of course no one else wanted to volunteer and bring their xbox and it just sat inside the trunk of the car for 4 days with nothing protecting it. If I could show you my irritated face, you would understand my frustration. We headed to the crab house to get some crab claws and fried calamari for dinner.. finger-licking good. Later on we took a walk down the beach and Fro showed us the place where his aunt works where there were tons of gorgeous (ungodly expensive) beach houses all totally unique with fountains and gardens and courtyards that they could do with as they saw fit. We now all aspire to own one of those million dollar condos one day. A quick stop in the freezing cold pool and then the hot tub then we headed back inside to finally unwind and get ready to pass out.

Yes... I am a genius,
Marcus C.


Day Three: Martin/Rambo/Open Field

We got up early this morning for sausage biscuits and milk, we got ready then headed outside to set up the Martin house since the concrete had dried then we hung the actual bird houses on the pole. After a job well done we proceeded to the opposite side of the dock to set up targets and tiles and wooden blocks. Then we headed back up to the dock and got locked and loaded. We started out with some 22 rifles which I have never shot before. Had a silenced 22 and a Ruger with a silencer as well which was a lot of fun to shoot. Then Chris's dad pulled out the SKS Semi-Auto rifle and destroyed the hillside with bullets... quite a loud gun. We also shot a WWII M1 Garand, and a Russian Mosin Nagant. These are all incredibly loud guns that could make you crap yourself if you weren't paying attention. We also shot a 9mm handgun which was pretty powerful and entertaining. We shot around a thousand rounds between the 4 of us...my ears are still ringing. Here's a video of me shooting the Nagant.

Hit me with your best shot,
Marcus C.


Day Two: Cowpies/4 Second Swim/Gumbo/Rambo

I awoke this morning with such ease as I rolled out of my comfy air mattress to wolf down a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, turkey bacon, and coffee. We then proceeded down the road to pick up a manual jeep wrangler (super exciting for me) to go riding through the fields in as well as the 4-wheeler. We took all the vehicles to a big field and just rode around for 2 or so hours and even got a little cow crap on my feet. Hooray for sandals! After that we headed back to the house for some lunch sandwiches and about a four second dip in the pool that was like swimming in a glass of ice water. Afterwards me, David, and Zack went exploring on some trail behind the house and found another huge field to ride around in for a while. At the end of the day we went to the big house and had some sunflower seeds and root beer, threw the football, then ate some of the best gumbo I've had in a long time (yes the best is still at Doc's Oyster Bar in Orange Beach). Now we've loaded up all the magazines for the ungodly amount of weaponry we have including silenced weapons, tomorrow we shoot.

You can fill a tampon with bullets and it would be manly,
Marcus C.


Day One: I am "Eat Your Heart with a Spoon"/Pole for martin houses

We have set out on an adventure for the great beyond, or whatever you may call it. Me, Chris, Zack, and David have left the complicated stressful life of Auburn and headed south of Montgomery to Chris's grandparents house to start off our Spring Break. We left as soon as humanly possible and arrived only an hour and a half or so later on. We walked out amongst the slightly more wildernessly land and took a good deep breath as we finally received a chance to relax. But then we were put right to work with a task that we thought was supposed to take all day long, but only ended up taking about an hour. We took to some shovels and dug up a pole for martin houses and moved it up the front with complete ease. Afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful dinner of pizza with a little bit of diet coke and it was simply scrumptious. We are now chilling on the big leather couch in the living room after having watched Dances with Wolves.. I've never seen it.... fantastic movie. So this just day one of what is bound to be an amazing adventure... we'll talk later on.

We need nicknames,
Marcus C.


Let's Get Something Straight Here

This past weekend I went home to attend semi-formal with Emily. We ate at the Tavern and i had a sandwich, but apparently protocol there is to make sure each person gets at least a pound of fries. It was wonderful! We also danced the night away and I definitely got jiggy with it, and I'm not embarrassed to say it. The next night I escorted Emily to Brio and then the UAB music center where we enjoyed Pirates of Penzance. So the weekend seemed like on really long day and I got to spend time with my love :-)..... awwww how sweet.

I don't know who all has heard of the death of one of Auburn's students Lauren Burk, but it has been all over the news the recent months. She was found shot in the middle of College Street and taken to the hospital but died only a little while afterwards. The man convicted of the murder has just confessed everything from trying to rob her and then shooting her, as well as burning her car on campus. I had a couple friends who knew her and had said what a great, loving friend she was to all of them and how sad it was that someone could do that.

To make things more exciting the Westboro Baptist Church folks from Topeka, KS decided they were going to show up and protest her funeral at the university the day after they attempted to disrupt the funeral in her hometown in Marietta, GA. If you aren't familiar with this group it is a small, and close-knit church consisting of a little under 100 members, 80% of which is mostly one family, the Phelps. In a nutshell they go around preaching hate and damnation to all of America by disrupting the funeral's of dead soldiers and once holocaust museum by saying that America is already too corrupt and is beyond saving because we do not obey the Lord and we are all fag-supporting sinners. I'm just as set on being as loving as the next Christ-following brother or sister, but this just really pisses me off. They use the bible completely out of context and focus only on God's wrath rather than his love or words speaking of how He does not come to condemn the world, but to save it. And He DOES love everyone, and no grace is NOT an excuse to sin. But these people are brainwashed and filled with evil intentions because they have been blinded by the direction of their pastor, namely their grandfather. Try and remember to pray for this people that they may see the true light, and experience the love of God rather than his wrath and God softens their hard hearts.

Well since that obviously them coming to disrupt our fellow student's funeral, this did not sit too well with the southern mindsets of those who occupy this fine university. Either way we gathered together on Samford lawn to await their arrival and hopefully block them off from disrupting anyone trying to grieve or celebrate the life of Lauren Burk. It was organized surprisingly well and we were ready to stop them from disrupting anyone, but they never showed up thank God and that's all I have to say on the matter.

Slap-on bracelets are cool,
Marcus C.


No Mr. Bond, It is you who has lost.

So the days continue and roll past rather quickly (thank God). I find myself becoming less stressed out over the period of these weeks when it doesn't seem so difficult. Unfortunately it's about to be that way again. Oh bring me a spring break of guns, 4-wheelers, sands, salt water, and complete freedom. Oh how glorious it will be.

This past weekend I had an audition at the Student Life offices for All Things to All People, which I may have mentioned in my last post. Early in the morning I arose oh so calmly getting ready at my own pace to end up there at around 12:20 for my 12:40 interview. Little did I know that i was off by about an hour and twenty minutes and i was supposed to be there at 11:20. Luckily they are forgiving and Mr. Ireland interviewed me and that seemed to go over well. Another discovery of the way I handle myself became very evident and confidence overwhelmed me that day. I have never auditioned monologues smoother than that. I have never felt more confident in responding to interview questions. It went amazing along with the fact that all the other auditioneers were so awesome to meet and work with for the afternoon. So now I am simply waiting on my letter of yes, no, or maybe. And it's driving me absolutely insane waiting outside next to the mailbox.

So I await the day, and also my zambooie t-shirts including my Piglet Will Eat You shirt... :-) Semi-formal, opera's and dinner with Emily is coming along with the weekend package so I'm excited. Then my beloved spring break of all the things listed far above will occur and my life will be complete. So to all of you who were praying keep doing that thing cause it works! Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for me and the SL ministry. I miss every single one of you.

Allow me to introduce myself,
Marcus C.