
Big Girl Panties, Dog Whoop Tired, Draggin' Butt

So we are now starting our second week of camp and it has been going great. It's a great big God driven hassle and blessing all in one huge package. I really can't wait to get moving even to the different locations while it's going to be a big effort... I'm still very excited. They got me runnin family group meetings and such as long as Pro Presenter on the computer in back with the video guy Phil. I've been filming kids arriving and registration and recreation among other things. It has been a really long week getting everything for services prepared so we no longer have to organize cause it's all there. The set up is great back here and hopefully some of you (for the very few who read this) will be seeing it.

God is doing a new molding of my heart. He's moving in a great deal of change. I've been taking things rough cause I guess I'm worn out easily or something, but either way I'm trying as hard as I can to run through it and take down the challenges like a trooper. I miss everyone really bad TRUST ME. But I have an amazing new group of friends to keep me sane until the day comes when I can see you again.

I'm really excited about the times to come and even ready for school to start back up. So keep me in your prayers as I travel and continue working to further the kingdom of God.

Viva la Vida,
Marcus C.

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