
Well isn't that just peachy!

It's a new day in the summer of Student Life... we have just started up our 6th camp in Roach, Missouri at Windermere Conference Center and it's absolutely wonderful! It's wearing us all down as the time goes on, but God is gradually building us back up and giving us ample amounts of strength to take on challenges we thought we could not complete. After we finish up here, we are taking a 4 day break where we will go to King's Island and ride the biggest roller coaster, going to see a Red's game, and also trying to go see a movie.. hopefully Wall-E or Get Smart. I hear that both movies are great! So that's our first chance to really chill for extended time as a team and just load up on some fun before another camp.

The afternoon between the last camp and now was one of the most exhilirating days that I have had in a while. It was really a trip. We finished camp 5 around 11 o'clock and sent the kids and staffers on their way then head out to go to lunch with the team. Our group went to Chili's where Brad, Ian, and Gary had a coaster flipping contest. They got up to 23 coasters, it was ridiculous, you had to be there. We then made a quick slide by wal-mart to get a few necessities then head back to Windermere to party on the lake. We got ready and went to the inflatables on the lake and TORE THEM UP. I'm not exaggerating in the least bit here. We are all still sore from running across the slippery moonwalk and busting or faces over and over and over and over again. This kept us laughing hysterically at all the flips and busts of our clearly vulnerable running and screaming across the inflatable bridge. It was a fantastic 2 hours on the water and I have the sore thighs to prove it. Afterwards we all ate dinner as a team, and Adam prepared the meal. Adam went to a stinking culinary school and just owned some pots and pans.. and our mouths for that matter. Dinner consisted of chicken cordin bleu stuffed with ham and cheese, chicken linguine alfredo with spinach leaves, roasted red potatoes, koos koos, grilled squash and zucchini, carmelized carrots, and for dessert a cup full of cinnamon cookies, pudding, mango, and angel food cake. Amazing? yeah... you should be incredibly jealous.

After our crazy day of freedom we settled down and had some team time together and just talked about our thoughts of the summer and what we enjoyed, and thought we could improve on. Then we kind of seperated out and washed each others feet, fed each other bread with honey, joined in communion together, and just encouraged one another throughout the evening. It was much needed, and I loved that time we all spent together.

We are almost to our halfway mark. It's really not close to being done and somehow I cannot imagine that. But as always, your prayers are needed as the summer goes on and we continue to witness and live our lives for God in front of thousands of students. I love you all and hope to see you soon! Mom and Dad, and the girls. Emily I miss and love you with my whole heart!

Throw it under-handed!
Marcus C.

1 comment:

littlered said...

i miss you like crazy and am so glad you are having the experience of a lifetime...God is so good! love you so much.