
Finals, Christmas Carols, Mcdonalds

I find myself in the back seat of my car, sitting in the C parking lot behind the Coliseum, eating McDonalds, and listening to christmas carols by the rat pack (my absolute favorite is Sinatra). I'm all alone in the middle of finals week but for some reason i feel at peace and very content. It may be the yummy sweet tea, or the fact that christmas carols always put me in a good mood. It could also be the fact that really after my last exam tonight I won't have to worry about much else for a couple weeks.

I really believe though that it's the fact that soon I will be home spending time with my family, and friends sipping coffee and hot chocolate, unwrapping presents and sharing many laughs and stories.

Christmas time really brings out the jolly side of me that just lifts me up and reminds me of my God who created me and gave me all these wonderful and amazing things to be thankful for. But it also gets me thinking about my future and how i have kind of struggled through my first semester at college. I wonder sometimes where i am supposed to search for the motivation to type a 1000 word essay, or studying about paleolithic man or even piddling around with logarithms until my brain just pours out of my ears. I realize that there are so many things in this life (as I have been told before)  that I need to knock out that I don't necessarily want to do. whether it's frivolous to me to be spending my time doing such things, God has a much bigger plan for me, but it's incredibly important to not skip out on the details. I wish that I had my bible on me so I could produce for you some verse of great wisdom. Maybe on a later date. 

But as my friends in the Rat Pack say, i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year as it approaches.

Marcus C.

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