
Oi! Put your bathing suit on Daisy!

Vacation slowly approaches and I feel as though I have the opportunity to be more free. Who doesn't love a good heaping helping of freedom? I'm not talking about your American freedom, but the simple freedoms we have to travel the world and experience relaxation. My freedoms can be found at the beach, which I should be at shortly... thank God.

I just finished watching the Last Samurai, and feeling inspired I turn to my blog while listening to a little Artie Shaw to keep me in good spirits. School is going well, and in fact English was cancelled today and I don't have class this or next Friday. It's really a blissful thing to behold. Unfortunately I need to come up with a rough draft of my 2nd paper for Monday. I'm writing on the problem of the failing automotive industry and what solutions are appropriate to benefit the nation. This paper is pretty much identical to the first one... oh joy. I haven't a problem with writing papers besides the fact that in the real world, the skills I'm not really learning are not really applicable. I can't imagine myself 5 years from now saying, "Oh thank God I know MLA format! Where would I be without it?" If that ever happens, I'm either drunk or sarcasm is BLAZING from my mouth. Either way, I gotta write a paper and so it will get done sometime before I have to turn it in.

Don't be ashamed of yourself for being human. Imperfection comes with the package deal. That's just the way it works, and I say it's more fun that way. Making mistakes will happen in the process, it's not like we just want to fail. I mean come on, even Hitler had good intentions and didn't want to fail. That's a blunt example, but the truth is we are all bound to be confused at what happens. We will be struck dumb and everyone will see our vulnerability for a matter of minutes. In those moments where it's truly lighthearted, just let it happen and take a laugh at yourself for being awkward. Expect nothing and you can never truly be disappointed. And maybe you will even make less mistakes because of it. Still... who knows? And that's the beauty of it!

p.s. HBO has announced Band of Brothers 'The Pacific' said to be out around March 2010. I'm really freaking excited about this and you should be too. It looks just as astounding as before.

My British accent IS real,
Marcus C.


Landmines....approach them slowly

I've managed to keep quiet for a week or so, cause I keep forgetting my camera everywhere we go. And how much more fun is an entry with a pic right? But it's the decision to not be lazy and update some folks on what's been going on.

Exam 1 for History, and paper 1 for English are on Wednesday, oh boy! But I have to say with all of the desire to stay in bed I have managed to go to every class but 1 and this will be a good way for me to be on a good track for next semester. This whole thing for me has to turn around in good fashion or I just won't have the motivation. Luckily I have my good buddies down here to lower the stress levels (most of the time) so I can deal with the early mornings and bombardment of information. So I can say that so far I'm doing great, but we'll have to check back in once I get my test/paper results *crosses fingers*. I can't wait for the day I can look back and pat myself on the back and say "Good form old man, good form".

I'm currently sitting out on the porch with a Trinidad cigar listening to Fitzgerald, Sinatra, Crosby, and Cole. It's pure bliss as always sitting out in the humid air with the thick leathery smoke, and a jones soda on the side to quench my thirst. The lightning is striking periodically and silently every so often. "Baby it's Cold Outside" is on the Pandora radio. I wish everyone were here to discuss God, Girls, and Games. Which I have now dubbed the 3 G's... sweet.

There's something about finding that solace in friends, that really allows you to relax and forget about the real world. It's nice to get away sometimes and really.... REALLY talk deeply about all the secrets and inhibitions you have. Our schedules often get hectic and we don't allow ourselves to break from the daily grind. While that's ok to really get to work and nail it, we still eventually need time to gather and fellowship. Get together and go out and eat a big dinner and don't ever once think of being in a hurry, which is another thing about this culture I wish could change. We have this idea that we must get in, sit down, eat, and leave. One of the best places to converse and exchange is at the dinner table. Why would we shorten that? I will write about it in the journal don't worry. But do these things, go sit outside and enjoy the world away from the internet with a cigar and talk of the old days. Maybe cigars aren't your thing, but maybe wine is. Maybe you want a coke and some pretzels. Do yourself a favor and do these things for yourself. Grab a friend or two and relax. No one will look down on you for it if you decide it's what will tickle your fancy. If they do, give em the finger! (just make sure it's not your mother or something)

Four fingers... that'd wake me up,
Marcus C.


Yeah... my foots in my mouth... tasty!

Ok, so I felt like it was a good idea to put a post up because I'm in the writing mood. And maybe this feeling will continue and you'll have lots to read everyday (whoever you are). Like I mentioned before nothing is impossible so be prepared for at least a collection of good photos, hopefully.

Today I woke up late and went to Chris & Fro's to go out and shoot guns at Tommy James' farm. This was good because we haven't had an opportunity to go out and do something outside the norm for a week or so. Unfortunately, after we had put a few clips through the guns to warm up, the bottom dropped out and it started raining like crazy out of nowhere. So we packed up as fast as possible to get back to the house where we listened to stories of firework battles and scaring the hell out of little kids. You should meet these folks, remind me of some of MY relatives. We took charge and went to Buffalo Wild Wings to compensate for our lack of manly acts from before. Oh yeah, and my car window had fallen down and half my jeep was filled with water (not literally but still). Glorious day, and I believe that someone stole my iPod and my firecrackers out of the center console because of that same broken window. Blast!

All I can say after all of that is prepare to be disappointed folks. Even when you are having a "lucky" streak my friend. Don't let your guard down. I don't mean be a tough son of the gun, that's the exact opposite of solving the problem. I mean, be prepared, simply. When everything goes your way just don't think that it all will be going well forever. But take it in stride as well. There is no need to freak out when in all comes crashing down either. Keep a joyful mind, and never forget that the Lord loves you, so you are never forgotten. It's a beautiful thing folks and don't you forget it!

Rigney is not trying to seduce me in that picture,
Marcus C.

What have I told you about thinking Harold?

It's the third week of school, I've watched more movies than I can account for (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang an instant classic), I have smoked around 5 or 6 hookahs, 6 or so cigars, 5 black n milds, and 3 pipe smokes. I've been out shooting twice, purchased a .22, searched high and low for ammo, bought ear plugs and a bag, and nailed the target. I have discussed and learned, the french revolution, the industrial revolution, Nietzsche, Plato, and major controversial issues. I felt like I have learned the most random assortment of things possible in 1 month that some experience in a year. One thing somehow baffles me....I'm not tired of it. I mean, I'm tired, but not of all this.

I think after all the films, smoke, noise, and education, I've finally relaxed and gotten right back into what seems like a "normal" routine. My days are numbered, so why not get out of the god forsaken apartment and live a little? Even if that means going over to Chris & Fro's late at night to watch Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire. It's an overwhelming experience, believe me. I ought to get a video camera to capture all the fascinating moments.

If only I had the willpower to deliver a blog post everyday to chronicle the events and allow you to catch a glimpse of the action. Don't hold your breath, but nothing is impossible.

I want to know how many readers I have. I mean, who is really interested in what I have to say in the least? I would hope most of my friends are checking this out at least to humor me. Maybe someone can enjoy it. Possibly I can start bringing my camera around with me to at least liven up the posts with some lovely pictures. I think I'll start doing that. In the mean time, don't hesitate to recommend this to someone else if you find suitable. I would love you for that... not that I already don't.

Do you know what nemesis means?
Marcus C.