
A Breath of Fresh Air

So lately I've been discovering lots of new things about myself and my relationships. It's been an especially hard last week just trying to readjust to the fact that I want God to be prominent in my life. But after a run in last night with some of my biggest fears I had to really take a good look at myself and instead of trying to control all of my problems I had to figure out how to find some peace. So I went to my journal which for me has been a book of anecdotes and views on the world simply as it were. I've never done this before, but I'm going to share with you the entry that I wrote very early this morning. So this is the first public "broadcast" of the journal of Marcus Clement.

"I have a crippling fear of being alone. I'm afraid that I will never find the girl I love who loves me back. Yet, I know God put us here together on purpose. He never intended for us to be alone. He put us here like this because he knew us and what we needed. He knew we'd need family, companionship, brotherhood, and love. That's exactly why we need him. And he knew that too. Your life is going to be a series of challenges that you must overcome. However, when you find yourself pouring your soul out to someone you love, all the dark stuff comes out with it too. Whether you realize it or not each and every one of us has an issue that we will spend the rest of our lives with. Hopefully we will use that time trying to beat those pains. But the greatest bit of all is that we don't have to do it alone. God gave us family, friends and spouses to encourage us and help us defeat the monsters that haunt us daily. But even better still is that he is also there with us every step of the way to guide us to peace. I want to share a verse with you that has become an instant inspiration to me in a dark time...
'The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.'
- Zephaniah 3:17
My mother shared this verse with me today and I will never forget its message. The part that sticks to me the most is 'he will quiet you by his love.' In times of hardship we cry, scream, mourn, whimper and sigh. But his love will quiet you. It takes away the sadness, anger, loss, stress, and worry. He takes all that away in exchange for a quiet moment of peace. Ladies and gents he does this for free. Don't pass up an opportunity like this in your life. Let him take your burdens away and make you whole. There's a wonderful bit of peace to be had."

Well I hope you all enjoyed that excerpt from my otherwise secret journal of thoughts and ideas. I hope to be sharing more and more stuff like this with you as time goes and I learn new things. I hope you folks have a wonderful day and just remember He loves you and so do I.

Man weren't meant to be alone,
Marcus C.